Independent Objective Advice
How to best finance business needs
Building a business plan or financial proposal
Documenting business transactions, agreements and contracts
Solving financial management problems
Forming a new business
Forensic investigation and analysis of financial matters
Handling creditor relations during difficult financial times
Raising capital or obtaining business loans
Settling a debt or other financial obligation

Roy Franc Baas
- Principal and Senior Consultant, Banking and Business Consultants
- Chairman, Institute for Business Finance & Management
- Lecturer, Instructor, Professional Trainer
- Judicial Expert in Banking and Finance
- Adjunct Professor of Finance and Management
- Senior Instructor of Finance, University of Colorado at Boulder
Banking and Business Consultants was formed in 1989 by Roy Franc Baas, during the height of the oil-related depression in Louisiana. The deep recession created opportunities and need for professional crisis-management services to address the explosion of failures and near-failures developing in previously stable business enterprises. Business people were being forced to deal with lenders and regulatory agencies more often and with less favorable results than any business negotiations they had formerly experienced. Baas assembled a team of financial professionals, most with extensive backgrounds in financial institutions, to provide expertise in financial management where business owners had limited or no experience.
This initial effort evolved over the years into a full-service financial consulting firm specializing in advice and representation, coaching, business planning, capital and debt placements, litigation support, and the other services described at this site.
This initial effort evolved over the years into a full service financial consulting firm specializing in advice and representation, coaching, business planning, capital and debt placements, litigation support, and the other services described at this site.
Drop Me a Line
If you or your business associates need a sound business or financial plan or funding or are faced with a financial challenge that requires independent, objective advice or help, or other services as described at my sites, contact me today.